Every Wednesday 9.30-10pm UK time, a group Light and Healing Transmission, in collaboration with my good friend Helen Quail, who is currently based at Mount Shasta, California, USA.
Helen and me at the Shekinashram in Glastonbury, running a gathering with some lovely souls in June 2015.
In May 2013 I 'had the idea' to try out a group distance healing to see what happened. I'd conducted distance healing sessions for individual clients which had been effective, and this concept, which was completely new to me, came up one day for me to look at. These were the days of reaching a lot of people via Facebook, and 100 people took part on 15th May 2013, which created a beautiful frequency field and many positive feedback comments.
I was urged on to repeat the experience, and this quickly established itself as a weekly event. In the early days I believed that I had to do something to set the healing field going - so I used to activate the healing field with my hands around an imaginary template of a person who represented everyone in the group. After about 4 weeks, the higher teams had me sitting in the field, and a few weeks later, lying down! I had no choice in this. I began to experience being 'put out' or 'put under' by the field and then 'waking up' exactly on the dot of ten, with a vague feeling that something had been going on - sometimes voices far away, or at other times a sense that I was involved in doing something with others.
I met Helen through this beautiful process, as she joined the weekly field, and we have played together since! Eight years on and the field is strong, tangible and always present - whenever we choose to access it, but I find it's particularly apparent on Wednesdays at the original time.
Do join us one Wednesday if you fancy experiencing some deep rest, relaxation and renewal. You don't need to tell us, but simply lie down and receive. Beyond the human realms there is something we're doing together which I believe is raising the frequency for the human collective.